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Relaxantes Musculares
  • Robaxin
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    Preço Sugerido pelo Fabricante $2.24
    79% OFF
  • Zanaflex
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    Preço Sugerido pelo Fabricante $3.00
    81% OFF
  • Baclofen
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    Preço Sugerido pelo Fabricante $5.00
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Vanessa, Hermitage
Eu recebi a encomenda e irei fazer outra brevemente.
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James Maquuen, Launceston, Austrália
Eu recebi meu pedido ontem. Vocês são o melhor e mais rápido sítio onde eu já comprei! Vocês são ÓTIMOS!!! De agora em diante só vou comprar com vocês. OBRIGADO!!!
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Licence ban extended on London fertility clinic
Homerton Fertility Clinic will stay shut while the loss of at least 32 embryos is investigated.
Doctor assumed disabled woman did not have sex
Adults with disabilities describe traumatic experiences trying to access healthcare.
GP prescribing opioids in 'high amounts' needs to improve
The CQC says the surgery has one of highest opioid prescription rates in England.
Online clinic gave teen dangerous hormone dose
The 15-year-old was prescribed the medication without having spoken to a doctor, a court ruling says.
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